A poem I wrote on one of those days when I just wished someone would come to help me with the children. I was feeling utterly exhausted and the cavalry couldnt make it...
A damsal in distress
A mother of a mess
So when the cavalry calls in sick
You know your in the shit
You've really hit the pits
So what to do but stop, rest and let it flop
Breath out, give up, let go
Let your feelings flow
Asking for release
Feel your inner peace
Know everything is ok
You will live another day
In fact you are standing so tall
The world around you can finally fall
To be rebuild from the ashes
From the nasty, ghastly gashes
Finding the red blood of life
Lifting on wings out of strife
With all of Michael's might
Knight on white horse in flight
Oh, look you've become the cavalry
Where's the damsal in distress?
Yes I came out of this mess feeling empowered... I really believe now that we need to surrender in order to let new growth sprout forth. I am grateful for this experience. Have you had an experience where you fell apart... and then realised you had grown as a result? Please comment below...
